International Trade and Finance (English)

We are the FIRST university to receive accreditation among State and Foundation universities in Istanbul for the International Trade and Finance (English) Department.

Istanbul Gedik University, Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences, Department of International Trade and Finance (English) has been accredited by the STAR Social Humanities and Basic Sciences Accreditation and Rating Association (S.T.A.R), authorized by the Council of Higher Education (YÖK), and has been awarded the STAR Accreditation Certificate for the period between 07.09.2022 and 07.09.2024, valid for two (2) years.

International Trade and Finance is an interdisciplinary field of study. Its subject matter includes various but complementary areas such as the economic foundations, transactions, and practices of companies established in different countries involved in import and export, the documents used, financing, and more. The department aims to educate future managers who can contribute to the development of international competitive strategies in sectors of the Turkish economy.

Moreover, it also aims to train qualified expert staff who are in line with the economic policy objectives of public and private sector organizations in the international arena. In the process of globalization, where economic integrations intensify, and competition conditions become more challenging, international finance issues gain significant importance. Developments in Turkey and the world increase the demand for human resources with international skills and contemporary knowledge. In this context, students are offered courses in the fundamental topics of Business Administration and Economics, International Trade and Finance, International Relations, Law, Entrepreneurship, and the international dimensions of these fields.

In today’s world, where university-business cooperation takes precedence, students are provided with opportunities to establish relationships with the business world, and they are also supported through internships and projects. Our graduates from the department can work in foreign trade-related companies, in the foreign trade departments of companies, in import and export departments, in banks’ foreign affairs services, in customs and customs clearance companies, in logistics companies, and in insurance companies. In addition, they have the opportunity to work in all public and private sector institutions where graduates of the Faculty of Economics, Business Administration, and Economic and Administrative Sciences work.