22 May 2024

Lecturer Ph.D. Ana Daniela Bobaru from University Constantin Brâncuși of Târgu Jiu, Romania Conducts Teaching Mobility at Our Institution Under Erasmus+ Program

Lecturer Ph.D. Ana Daniela Bobaru from the University Constantin Brâncuși of Târgu Jiu, Romania, conducted a teaching mobility at our institution under the Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Teaching program.

Dr. Ana Daniela Bobaru, a distinguished faculty member from the Law Department, participated in a class at our institution alongside our esteemed professor, Ege Okakın Erbaş. During the session, Dr. Bobaru served as a guest speaker, delivering insightful lectures on the Romanian legal system.

This teaching mobility proved to be highly beneficial not only for fostering international collaboration but also for enriching the academic experience of our staff and students.